First time at Newmarket races

I’ve always wanted to go to the races, but never been too sure how I’d feel about it, having had an ex-racehorse who we are pretty sure had experienced some sort of trauma, I’ve always felt a bit bad about the racing.

However, we had some friends who had suggested going and I knew it would be a fun day out however I felt. So off we drove to our friend’s house for a few drinks, at 11am!! And then we caught the train to Newmarket, where we had a few more drinks.

We arrived at the races feeling a little bit tipsy, but mostly just ready for a fun day out. We were all hungry by this point so decided to get a pizza before the races started, it was one of the best pizzas I’ve ever had!!

We then grabbed a jug of Pimm’s (an absolute essential) and headed over to place our first bets. I didn’t want to waste a load of money because I’m usually really unlucky when it comes to picking winners, so I didn’t bet a lot of money on each horse I picked.

In the first race I picked one called ‘Archduke Ferdinand’ he was an outsider with the odds 12-1, and how everyone made fun of me! But they weren’t laughing quite so hard when that horse won!

There were six races on and out of the 6 I won two, and the other girl we went with won one. No luck for the boys!

It was such a lovely day, the sun was shining, but it wasn’t too hot where it was uncomfortable. The uncomfortable part was my armpits because I’d decided to squeeze in to a dress I’d bought when I was 17, and apparently, I’m no longer a part of the itty-bitty titty committee because it was extremely tight around my bust! However, the fact I got it on was a win!

Once the races were over, we got the shuttle back to the train station, and the train back to our friend’s house. We ordered a Chinese, and the place we got them from do boxes with all different Chinese food in, it was incredible!

We were all shattered, but seeing as it was only 8:30pm, and were only in our early 20’s we done what any other person our age would do and got out the rummikub! My luck didn’t continue into the board games, and I come last in this and in Quirkle!!

Overall, it was a really nice day out, and there were some very happy horses there, it was a really positive experience and I’m lucky to be able to go with such lovely people!

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