Newmarket Races

First time at Newmarket races

I’ve always wanted to go to the races, but never been too sure how I’d feel about it, having had an ex-racehorse who we are pretty sure had experienced some sort of trauma, I’ve always felt a bit bad about the racing. However, we had some friends who had suggested going and I knew it … Read more


Horse Update & TikTok Journey

Hey Guys, I’m back with another blog post for the wonderful Jockey & Jill. Today I thought I would have a chat about what has been going on recently and give you all a long overdue update on my horses. A couple of weeks ago MooMoo, my 7 year old ex hurdler got sold to … Read more

My Riding Story

My Riding Story

My riding story is very choppy, so buckle up because this will be a journey! I started riding at a riding school about 30 minutes from where I lived, I rode a little dun pony called Whitson, who ended up being my favourite at that riding school. However, because of the distance I only had … Read more

Buying Rupert

Buying Rupert

It was the spring of 2020, it was the start of lockdown and I’d been rebacking Sky for about 6 months. We were then at the stage where I needed to get back on, but I was so scared, we’d spent 6 long months of groundwork, building muscle, discipline, but mostly trust for one another. … Read more

Life After Losing Sky

Life after losing Sky

Following on my post of ‘losing my heart horse’ I wanted to follow up with what we all experienced. The moments after Sky died were awful, but I’m so grateful for the people who were at that yard for their support. The ones who came over, were so lovely or helped me in some way, … Read more

Losing my horse Sky

Losing my heart horse

In this blog I’ll be talking about the loss of my horse, so if any of you might find this triggering, please don’t read on. However, I wanted to post this because it’s not something that’s talked about too much and I hope it can help someone. It was the 29th of December 2022, and … Read more

“Mummy, can I come with you to the stables?”

Hi! I’m Rhiann, I’m 24 years old with 2 horses on DIY, a dog and a 5 month old baby. Wondering how I do it? Read on!  It’s not a secret in the equestrian community how demanding the horse lifestyle can be. Horses drain us physically, mentally, and financially. With my son born in December … Read more

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