I have kept my own horses for about 5 years now, and over then 5 years I have tried so many different brands. I want to tell you what I love!
1. Stud Muffins
These were an absolute saviour when it come to loading Sky, they are defiantly a high reward treat for most horses and she only got them when we were doing loading training, or at Christmas in her advent calendar, she went absolutely nuts for them! https://www.studmuffins.co.uk
2. Ponyo Rugs
These rugs are a little bit more on the pricey side, however, I have never had a problem. They fitted my extremely wide cob, and my very lean thoroughbred, never had any problems with rubs either. They are very well made and something that is defiantly worth investing in, especially if you like the patterned rugs. https://ponyo-horsewear.com

3. Shires Moretta boots
I have had mine about 3 years now, and they are so comfortable, they are worn almost every day, and are actually abused a bit. I’m the worst at cleaning them, but when I do they shine like they’re brand new. https://shop.shiresequestrian.com/brand/moretta
4. Tors Tack Balm and “fly free” balm
Speaking of cleaning boots, when I do clean my boots and tack, I use Tors tack balm in vanilla scent. They really bring out the shine in everything and do wonders for the leather. I also use their ‘fly free’ balm. I’ve luckily never had a problem with Rupert with sprays, but he does have sensitive skin. The balm is amazing and keeps the flies well away. Buy Online!

5. Allen and Page feeds
Both my horses have always been fed on Allen and Page, and really I couldn’t have had two more different horses when it come to feed. Both horses have always been within a healthy range when it come to being weighed. As well as having healthy coats and skin, their all-round general health has been really good and I know I’m only ever a phone call or email away from some advice. https://www.allenandpage.com