A little background… Billie

Hi all, I’m a bit new to this so please bear with me whilst I get into the swing of things! My name is Billie, and I am an ambassador for the wonderful, Jockey & Jill. I have recently been asked if I would like to get involved in Jockey & Jill’s website blog to which my reply was an easy YES! My blogs will mainly be about my little stable yard full of beautiful horses, telling stories from past and recent events and general stable yard antics. So here goes!

A young Billie blog

Before I get into it, here is a little back story to my riding journey.

Going back to the very start…when I turned one years old, I was bought a Shetland pony…(yes, my mum was making sure I was a horsey girl from the off…) As soon as I sat on a pony my mum knew that I was going to be obsessed thereafter, and so, my riding journey began.

Every weekend we would be out at local gymkhanas, whizzing around, collecting lots of rosettes. Skipping forwards my love for show jumping transpired to which my mum decided it was time to invest in my first British Show jumping membership. I chased qualifiers week in, week out to reach my goals of going to the nationals, scope, blue-chip and all of the similar end goal shows. These shows were the highlights of my years growing up and the friends and memories I made during this time are just irreplaceable.

When it was time to move onto horses, when I grew out of juniors, I got my first jumping horse, Fenja. Again, we chased our goals and has SO much fun doing this. Eventually when I was around 20 years old, the mare I owned at the time, Nelly became unwell and very unfortunately resulted in us losing her. After this I decided to take an extended break from horses to which my little yard at home became un-loved and disused. That is where my TikTok yard transformation series came into play. The response I got from the series was something I did not expect in a million years and has since then gained me a new love for filming and posting videos about my life and horses.

Billie blog horses

Just rewinding slightly, around a year ago to now, I started working with horses again, both on a show jumping yard and free-lance riding. My love for horses soon set alight once again and since my first day back working with horses I haven’t stopped.

Skipping forwards to today, I now am the proud owner of two beautiful horses that I am working on each day in the hopes of competing again in the near future. I also dabble in the retraining of racehorses as what started as an extra to my hobby but is rapidly becoming a budding business venture.

I will be writing again soon to tell you all some of the wild and wonderful experiences I have had over the years with horses, along with my current plans and progress with my own horses.

Thank you all for reading my first ever blog post!

Billie x

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